Resources to support good quality research in cluster randomised trials and stepped wedge designs
This website is designed to support those conducting cluster randomised trials and stepped wedge designs and those carrying out methodological research on these designs. Our aim is to promote good quality research and so we encourage the use of existing guidelines and methods.
Please contact us with feedback, items for our noticeboard, or suggestions for resources to add. We aim to keep the site updated with the latest publications, software, discussions and events related to clustered designs. Please note that we cannot claim this to be an exhaustive list of resources.
For further resources from other websites, see here for a website devoted to stepped wedge trials, and here for resources on cluster randomised trials and stepped-wedge trials.
The idea for the website emerged from a meeting on current developments in cluster randomised trials and stepped wedge designs held in November 2016. The website was created by Claire Chan, Sandra Eldridge, Karla Hemming, Clémence Leyrat, James Martin, Mélanie Prague, Jennifer Thompson and Liz Turner. More details on those involved in maintenance are on our who we are page. Special thanks to the following for helpful comments during development and/or reviewing the site before it went live: Dr. Agnès Caille (University of Tours), Prof. Bruno Giraudeau (University of Tours), Prof. Richard Hooper (Queen Mary University of London), Sally Kerry (Queen Mary University of London), and Dr. Michael Grayling (University of Cambridge).
The initial design for the site was funded by NIHR through Sandra Eldridge’s NIHR Senior Investigator Award.
Latest posts

Abstracts now being accepted for Fourth international conference on Stepped Wedge Trial Designs (Deadline Noon 16th Feb 2024)
Abstracts now being accepted for Fourth international conference on Stepped Wedge Trial Designs 2024…
Fourth international conference on Stepped Wedge Trial Designs 2024
The 4th international conference on stepped wedge trial designs will be held on 13-15 May 2024…
Watch back our 2022 conference!
Watch the recording of our 2022 conference on Current Developments in Cluster Randomised Trials and Stepped Wedge Designs. This annual meeting consists of a series of invited talks, regular talks, and rapid talks about new perspectives for the design, analysis, and...